Safety and quality of products
Our goal is for consumers to enjoy the safe, high-quality, and tasty products of Perutnina Ptuj. We ensure the high quality of our products through consistent implementation of our internal »Quality – Safety – Traceability« system and through an integrated production system that enables us to trace all steps from field to fork. All stages of the process, including the cultivation of the land, feed production and preparation, animal breeding and care, transport, production, and product distribution, are strictly controlled. We also ensure the quality of our products by operating according to international quality standards, daily analyses, constant veterinary supervision, and internal and external audits and inspections.

Responsible to the environment
Effective environmental management is one of our most important strategic directions.

Responsible to the environment
Effective environmental management is one of our most important strategic directions.
We have introduced an environmental management system that leads us to constantly reduce impacts and risks to the environment and to reduce the cost of environmental management. We plan investments and the introduction of new technologies while taking into account the reduction of emissions and the consumption of natural resources.
All employees are committed to caring for the environment.

Responsible to society
We are aware that our actions have a significant impact on society and the local communities in which we operate.

Responsible to society
We are aware that our actions have a significant impact on society and the local communities in which we operate.
We cultivate partnerships with local communities and ensure their proper development, which positively impacts the operation of the Group. As responsible businesses, we give back to society and local communities by providing sponsorships and donations as a part of our business success.

Responsible to employees
The Perutnina Ptuj Group is one of the largest employers in the region and we are aware that motivated employees are the key to the success of any company.

Responsible to employees
The Perutnina Ptuj Group is one of the largest employers in the region and we are aware that motivated employees are the key to the success of any company.
That is why we create safe jobs for all employees, provide education and professional development, and promote a healthy lifestyle and an appropriate balance between work and family obligations.