From field to fork

The Quality - Safety - Traceability System (QST)
is a comprehensive control system through which the Perutnina Ptuj Group has implemented various quality and environmental policies.
The QST system is a part of our everyday life in all our work processes. It allows us to provide the consumer with unwavering quality, safety, and traceability of all foods of the Perutnina Ptuj brand.
Perutnina Ptuj is one of the few food systems that uses reproduction chains in the production of food. This means it is possible to control every step in the process, from field to fork.

We follow the principle of domicile preparation
In each individual integrated process in Perutnina Ptuj, we produce food from poultry meat according to the principle of domicile preparation.

We follow the principle of domicile preparation
In each individual integrated process in Perutnina Ptuj, we produce food from poultry meat according to the principle of domicile preparation.
This means that we produce feed in an individual country, we co-operate with domestic subcontractors in breeding, we employ local people, and we have our own quality assurance laboratories that work with various institutions. Through our own distribution channels and in unbroken cold chains, we provide consumers with top-quality poultry meat on a daily basis.

Own farms for hatching egg production
Careful breeding and care of parent flocks enables the production of quality hatching eggs.

Own farms for hatching egg production
Careful breeding and care of parent flocks enables the production of quality hatching eggs.
We hatch eggs on our own farms, which are equipped with modern technology and various structural upgrades in both breeding and environmental aspects. The farms are located in a natural environment and are fully integrated.

We grow crops for animal feed ourselves
The key to providing completely flawless fodder is in the integrated production process, which in Perutnina Ptuj in Slovenia takes place sustainably on our own agricultural land.

We grow crops for animal feed ourselves
The key to providing completely flawless fodder is in the integrated production process, which in Perutnina Ptuj in Slovenia takes place sustainably on our own agricultural land.
Our goal is to use corn and wheat of exclusively Slovenian origin in compound feeds. The Perutnina Ptuj Group, together with its company PP-AGRO, which cultivates more than 4,000 hectares of arable land, is the leader in agricultural production and livestock farming in Slovenia.

We prepare feed according to our own recipes
The feed factory produces high-quality feed mixtures that enable the full utilisation of the genetic potential of the animals to achieve excellent rearing results.

We prepare feed according to our own recipes
The feed factory produces high-quality feed mixtures that enable the full utilisation of the genetic potential of the animals to achieve excellent rearing results.
Just as it is true for humans that we are what we eat, this is also the case for livestock. Healthy, safe, and good-quality feed is crucial, as it also has a direct impact on human health. Therefore, there are no animal proteins, antibiotics, growth hormones, or fish or bone meal in our feed mixtures. With a comprehensive quality control system, we have established consistent control of both raw materials and finished products.

Our subcontractors rear chickens and turkeys in their natural environment
In the rearing of chickens and turkeys, we co-operate with local subcontractors and farmers.

Our subcontractors rear chickens and turkeys in their natural environment
In the rearing of chickens and turkeys, we co-operate with local subcontractors and farmers.
We build good and long-lasting partnerships with them and encourage their development.

We operate according to the standards of quality, safety, and traceability and respect international sanitary and health protection regulations
One of the steps in quality assurance is constant checking, which we perform in our own chemical and bacteriological laboratories and in co-operation with state institutions.

We operate according to the standards of quality, safety, and traceability and respect international sanitary and health protection regulations
One of the steps in quality assurance is constant checking, which we perform in our own chemical and bacteriological laboratories and in co-operation with state institutions.
We perform more than 500 laboratory analyses daily. Constant supervision of our own veterinary clinic and regular state veterinary inspections guarantee the flawlessness and safety of all our products.

Poultry meat is processed on modern technological lines
Every domicile production for poultry meat processing is based on the efficient use of modern technologies, experience, and the knowledge that we at Perutnina Ptuj have gained in more than a century of providing consumers with healthy, safe, and high-quality food every day.

Poultry meat is processed on modern technological lines
Every domicile production for poultry meat processing is based on the efficient use of modern technologies, experience, and the knowledge that we at Perutnina Ptuj have gained in more than a century of providing consumers with healthy, safe, and high-quality food every day.

With its own delivery fleet to the store shelves
We also ensure the quality of our products in distribution, where we use our own delivery fleet to ensure that the cold chain is not interrupted.

With its own delivery fleet to the store shelves
We also ensure the quality of our products in distribution, where we use our own delivery fleet to ensure that the cold chain is not interrupted.
Products are thus delivered safely to store shelves.